Getting a Job as a Recent Graduate

Getting a Job as a Recent Graduate

May 10, 2018


College graduation is an exciting time, you’re getting ready to embark on a new journey. You’ve worked 22+ years to get to this point in your life, but if you’re like most college graduates, you’re probably a little lost. Being new on the job market can be stressful and hectic. At Get Hired Local, we have many job options for the college graduate to choose from.

Right now is the best time to apply for recent graduates. According to studies, most graduates were hired into entry-level jobs between April and June, so this is the middle of the application sweet spot. Get Hired Local is here to help you on this next chapter in your life. Follow the steps below to launch your first job search and kick-start your career.


Tailor Your Resume For Each Application

Many employers today use an applicant tracking system to scan resumes for keywords. In other words, if your application isn’t using keywords that have anything to do with the job you are applying for, your application will automatically be tossed. To prevent this from happening, be sure to tweak your resume and only display personal successes and projects, and use language that is relevant to the job.


Frequently Check New Job Postings

According to several studies, the best time to apply for a job is 48 hours after it has been posted. In other words, checking job postings frequently is crucial. Luckily, Get Hired Local provides you with the opportunity to search for new jobs in your area from the comfort of your home. Another way to get in line on job openings is to pay attention to a potential employer’s social media to see if they have any open positions.  


Make Connections

Having a qualified education is very important when applying for a job. However, connections are key. If you stay in contact with alumni and continuously make the point to reach out to other individuals in the workforce, you will have a toe-in. You can also use networks such as LinkedIn to stay in contact with potential employers. 


Keep Up With Industry News

Even though you haven’t found a job yet, it’s important to stay up to date and on top of news in your field. To stay up to date, you should be sure to do three things; trade publications and industry journals, join professional social media groups, and follow social media feeds of companies and industry influencers.


If you’re new to the job market, look no further than Get Hired Local. With our easy to use search engine, you will have no issue finding a job that is relevant to you and your field of work, all while sitting from the comfort of your home. For information on our job postings, feel free to visit our website.