Generosity in the Workplace

Generosity in the Workplace

August 3, 2018


Business can often be made more simple, enjoyable, and effective if one fundamental skill is prevalent in an organization. Of course, we’re talking about generosity. Generosity is among the most popular traits an organization would deem most valuable, others include vision, leadership, drive, and ambition. However, it seems that the importance of generosity almost always gets overlooked. We can collectively agree that generosity is something to be valued, but it’s often not thought of as a driver of success; we’re here to tell you it is. This fundamental, yet powerful trait can revolutionize your career, influence, and connection with people.

Positive Workplace Culture

People who exhibit generosity freely give their information, time, expertise, and share credit with teammates. This is completely counterintuitive to competitive office culture. When people demonstrate generosity in the workplace, the byproduct often looks like a strong work ethic, effective communication skills, and the willingness to collaborate. People in leadership positions who adapt to this receive trust, respect, and more positive communication from their colleagues and employees too. Let’s talk about a few ways to foster generosity in the workplace.

Think Ahead

Think ahead so your boss or manager doesn’t have to. After accomplishing a team goal at work, start thinking about what you can do next. Instead of waiting for orders, anticipate what will come from your boss and have a course of action prepared in your mind. Be a strong communicator. When having a conversation with a colleague, lead the thought with whatever is new, important, or different; Don’t spend an eternity trying to explain your thoughts when it could be done in two minutes. Convey your thoughts clearly so that at the end of the conversation your colleagues aren’t left wondering what in the world you meant.

Praise Your Coworkers

Freely share information. By using the knowledge you already have to increase and improve the knowledge of others, you create an environment of positive communication, creation, and collaboration. Along with sharing information, share the credit you receive. It’s no secret that people love receiving praise for their hard work; what does it cost you to tell them they did a great job?

Learn From Your Failures

Accept collective responsibility for failure and acknowledge success individually. “Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban once made a comment about a star player’s missed game-tying free throw shot. Cuban said: “He made the first shot and we missed the second.”’ (Be Generous at Work, 2011)

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